Better Call Saul Gene (Future Saul) Timeline Explained!

Better Call Saul is a Breaking Bad Spin-off that features one of its best characters in limelight- Saul Goodman. The series gives us a look at Saul Goodman’s past. How he was always a con artist and used to screw over people until his elder brother rescued him and Saul promised him to be good. Thus started his lifelong struggle between his natural talent and his promise to his brother. He has always been a crafty lawyer and can do wonders if he takes cases for criminals or becomes their lawyer. However, his promise coupled with his brother’s debt over his head render him unable to do so. Throughout the series we see him go through this struggle, even after he discovers what a douche his brother is. The show is in his 6th and final season.

We got the 1st part of the season earlier this year but the 2nd part’s episodes are just rolling out. In the most recent episode titled Nippy, we get to know Saul’s experiences as Gene. In fact we get a pretty good when the entire Gene storyline take place. We knew it is after Breaking Bad ends when Saul has to go into hiding but we don’t know much time after Breaking Bad.

Better Call Saul – When does the Gene Storyline Take Place?

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 10 Review - A Black and White Breather or Filler

The series from the start very deliberately filmed the Gene timeline in black-white. Gene Takavic is the latest identity acquired by Saul Goodman or Jimmy McGill. Saul works is in hiding and living a pretty dull and mild mannered life as a Cinnabon employee. Someone like Saul who is used to a flashy life as he was a criminal lawyer is absolutely soul crushed to be living a life like this. The 10th episode starts with a VHS tape-like intro sequence turns blue, signifying that the series has finally caught up to Gene’s spot in the timeline, where it spends the entire episode.

The entire Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 10 is filled such clues that give us an idea about the timeline of the Gene storyline. A conversation of Gene with a security guard mentions the Nebraska Cornhuskers losing to an unranked football team. That game took place on 16th October 2010 in real life. By that logic the game must’ve taken place a week later the game, so 23rd October 2010. The Nebraska team later went on a winning streak of 12 wins that restored the guard’s mood. The streak broke against the Texas A&M on November 20th. All these references further confirm that the Gene timeline indeed takes place in fall of 2010.

The later scene has snow on the streets so an early October date seems unlikely anyways. However, Nebraska did have an unusual early first scheme reasonably quickly after his conversation with Jeff. We know Breaking Bad events took place between 2008 to 2010, the series finale took place on 7th September 2010. That mean Gene’s story takes place a little more than a month after Walter White’s death and probably only a few months since Saul changed his identity. The interesting part of all this is Saul’s unchanging character. How he will return to his old ways no matter what happens. It only took him one month to go back to his schemes.

New Episodes of Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 11 will debut on Netflix next Tuesday.

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