We finally got Stranger Things season 4 this year and it was pretty clear from the get go that this season isn’t just a lousy addition to the show. This was the penultimate season of the show and from what we can see, possibly the most important one. Even more than the final season will be. This season definitely offered us a huge story that took many characters on their respective journeys. We got answers to a lot of questions that the previous seasons had left us pondering. Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 both were brilliantly written. Not only was the horror dialed up but even the emotional quotient of the show had gone up by a notch. We see a lot of emotions being exchanged by characters with each other. However, the one character who repeatedly failed to say what he wished was Will.
We all got the feeling he wants to say something, possibly to Mike, but couldn’t. His behavior this season was suspected by a lot of people including me. Many suspected his sexuality to be the reason. It was implied by the show that Will is gay and isn’t in terms with it. He is in love with his best friend Mike. However, like the many answers we got this season, Will’s sexuality wasn’t one of them. The last scene that covers this subject is a beautiful scene shared by Jonathan and Will that had the same subtext. However, fans weren’t sure as there was no concrete answer given by the show or its creators. That changes today, Noah Schnapp who plays Will recently addressed this topic.
Stranger Things Season 4: Is Will Gay?
After Vol. 1’s release everyone was questioning Will’s sexuality, Noah Schnapp was asked in an interview about this and he refused to provide a clear answer. Maybe because he didn’t know or maybe because the Duffer Brothers asked him not to. He had said, “I feel like [the Duffer Brothers] never really address [Will’s sexuality] or blatantly say how Will is, I think that’s the beauty of it, that it’s just up to the audience’s interpretation if it’s Will kind of just refusing to grow up and growing up slower than his friends, or if he is really gay.”
However, now that the Vol. 2 is out, Noah Schnapp was asked the same thing given that Vol. 2 seemingly confirmed it. In an interview with Variety Schnapp said, “I mean, it’s pretty clear this season that Will has feelings for Mike. They’ve been intentionally pulling that out over the past few seasons. Even in Season 1, they hinted at that and slowly, slowly grew that storyline. I think for Season 4, it was just me playing this character who loves his best friend but struggles with knowing if he’ll be accepted or not, and feeling like a mistake and like he doesn’t belong.”
“I love just playing with Will,” Schnapp continued. “This scene was really important for him, because it really solidified that truth, that he loves his best friend and he doesn’t know how to tell him.”
Noah Schnapp Clarifies Further
Schnapp finally cleared some air with this, “Obviously, it was hinted at in Season 1: It was always kind of there, but you never really knew, is it just him growing up slower than his friends? Now that he’s gotten older, they made it a very real, obvious thing. Now it’s 100% clear that he is gay and he does love Mike. But before, it was a slow arc. I think it is done so beautifully, because it’s so easy to make a character just like all of a sudden be gay.”
Noah is not wrong. Several hints were dropped starting from Mike saying, “Its not my fault you don’t like girls.” to Will in Season 3 or Will immediately being afraid when approached by an attractive girl in Season 4, Will’s behavior around Mike and the amount of pain he felt when he was ignored by Mike. They all suggested this but never really made it clear. Whatever it is Season 4 handled this subject really well with Will’s track being the most emotional.
Did you guess Will’s Sexuality? All 4 Season of Stranger Things are streaming on Netflix.
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