March 24, 2025
Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Officially Reveals Cell Max Images (Stronger Than Broly

It is truly awesome time for Dragon Ball Super fans with the Manga coming out weekly, and the release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The latest film is packed with some major character moments as well as incredible action, and is blowing past all expectations. The film released in Japan earlier this month and is all set to debut worldwide starting August 18, 2022. But unfortunately, fans have been spoiled a lot and now it seems like Toei itself is making sure they know about the spoilers of the film. Obviously, the following article contains major spoilers for DBS: SH.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Cell Max Official Images by Toei

Just yesterday, Toei released new official promos featuring new transformations of Gohan, Piccolo as well as Cell Max, along with some HD images. That aside, they released a post-release trailer full of spoilers showcasing all these transformations. So, at this point everyone knows that Cell Max is the final antagonist of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero as we predicted. As reported before, he has been revealed to be a giant monster with spikes hammer tail and red design. He is extremely powerful and to defeat him our heroes had to unlock new levels of power.

In the new official stills above, you can see Orange Piccolo going up against Cell Max in but Piccolo’s new gigantic transformation also wasn’t enough to stop the monster. Just to be clear, this antagonist isn’t the Cell from Dragon Ball Z but a different version created by Dr. Hedo (Son of Dr. Gero).

Is Cell Max More Powerful Than Broly, Goku and Vegeta?

The official description of Cell Max as provided by Akira Toriyama can be found above. Roughly translated to English, it reads as follows:

Cell was a fearsomely powerful foe created by Dr. Gero through the manipulation of cells. This time around, Gero’s grandson Hedo used his genius to create Cell Max, a bigger, stronger version based on the original Cell’s blueprints. However, Hedo only created Cell Max because it was what Magenta wanted, so he isn’t very fond of Cell Max himself.If Cell Max had been completed according to plan, he would have been a superhuman who even Broly couldn’t defeat, but since he was forcibly activated, he became an uncontrollable monster. He’s a garishly-colored giant who just rampages around screaming, so I feel kinda bad for the voice actor. And he’s such a veteran voice actor, too. I’m so sorry.

So, not only is Cell Max powerful but he could have been a being even Broly couldn’t have defeated. And even though he wasn’t perfected his power levels were incredibly high and Gohan had to transform to Beast Gohan in order to defeat him. So, Cell Max is basically as powerful as Broly, and SSB Goku and Vegeta.

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