January 28, 2025
Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 Review Omni Man and Allen The Alien Return

PrimeVideo seems to have nabbed the dark superhero storytelling formula as after 3 impressive seasons of The Boys, and one good season of Gen V, Invincible has returned to OWN the playfield once again. Invincible Season 1 opened to widespread critical acclaim as well as a highly positive reviews from the viewers and Season 2 has continued the good work so far. Although Episode 2 wasn’t its best, it has made a solid return to form with episode 3 and given us a lot to talk about till the next one arrives. Read on to check out our in depth review but beware that major spoilers follow below.

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 Review – An All Rounder Episode!

Episode Rating – ★★★★★

It goes without saying that Episode 3 was the best episode of Invincible season 2 so far. From character development of every single character to establishing a grander narrative and bringing back Allen The Alien and Omni Man, every second of this episode was sheer delight. Talking about Allen, the first half of the episode focused on him entirely and even had him as the title card instead of Invincible. Therefore, what happened to him was all the more surprising and has made us quite worried about his fate. Makers also really played us when they started rolling the credits halfway through the episode only to cut to the next half of the episode. Although, we are not quite sure why they did this, but it kind of made it a bit more immersive.

One thing is quite clear though that Allen is no joke and somehow survived a direct assault by 3 powerful Viltrumites. However, his fate hangs in balance as Thadeus turned out to be a mole and lowered his life support. This was a big change from the comics where Thadeus actually saved Allen and made him even stronger. So although it is possible that he lowered the support to kickstart his power up, so far it looks like Allen is a goner. But considering how important he is the comics, we sure expect this loveable alien to return soon.

Moving to other things going on in the episode, we got a lot of insights into the characters of Robot, Monster Girl, Dupli-kate, Rex, but most of all Deborah. Deborah’s character arc as well as voice acting has been handled with utmost dedication making us feel for her every second she’s on screen. Its not easy being the spouse of a psychotic murder machine, especially among families of his victims. While she struggles with her trauma and acceptance issues, we see Mark and Amber’s relationship grow, only to see Mark go off world for coming weeks. Right before leaving however, we see that Mark in now in love with Amber which further showcases how Mark is nothing like his dad.

Now let us talk about the most exciting part where we find out that Mark’s off-world mission is actually a sham designed by one other than Omni-Man! Oh well, it was so great to hear and see Omni-Man, even it was just for a few seconds. Mark is obviously shocked to see him but there’s not much he can do now but hear him out. One thing to note here is that Omni-man is wearing some form of armour over his suit and looks much more cheerful since the last time we saw him. Another great thing about this episode was the score especially during the Omni-Man bit. The animation was slick and to the point as always and so was the action and gore during the Allen’s beatdown sequence.

Final Verdict – Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 turned out to be one hell of a ride and reminded us why we absolutely loved this show when it came out back in 2021. The wait for the mid-season finale is surely going to be an exciting one!

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