The sequel to 2018’s Black Panther – Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forevertrailer promises an...
Sameer Talawdekar
A student of cinema with a keen eye and an acquired taste. Blunt and critical while reviewing, if Sameer says a film is good, it's basically a guarantee that it is. He may not like what you do, but that's what makes him a quality fit for any cinema publication. He craves excellence and perfection and that's why you can blindly trust his word!
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer promises an emotional and handcrafted film. The film looks...
The overwhelmingly good reviews of the 2018 God of War reboot rejuvenated the craze...
The MCU’s first 3 phases focused on the Infinity Saga. The saga lasted about...
House of the Dragon Finale is the best piece of content we’ve gotten all...
Along with She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel it looks like we have another female lead...
Did you have a Winnie the Pooh soft toy in your childhood. It is...
It has been twelve years later since we’ve heard from Pandora and now we’re...
Black Panther‘s (2018) sequel‘s trailer promises an emotional and handcrafted film. The film looks...
The Last of Us is a game developed by Naughty Dog and published by...