The third and hopefully final installment in the Jurassic...
Sameer Talawdekar
A student of cinema with a keen eye and an acquired taste. Blunt and critical while reviewing, if Sameer says a film is good, it's basically a guarantee that it is. He may not like what you do, but that's what makes him a quality fit for any cinema publication. He craves excellence and perfection and that's why you can blindly trust his word!
House of the Dragon is the first show in...
The Fantastic Four were Marvel’s first superhero family and...
House of the Dragon Episode 2 premiered today on...
House of the Dragon is a Game of Thrones...
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is the newest Marvel show...
After Endgame most of the OG Avengers’ stories were...
1979 paved the way for a new action franchise...
HBO is milking out its biggest asset by adding...
Amazon Prime’s The Boys has become one of its...