Invincible is returning to Amazon Prime Video with Season 2, later this fall. The creator...
Castlevania debuted in 2017 and gained immense popularity and a huge fan base by...
One Punch Man is a Japanese superhero manga series created by One, which wrote...
A week ago, New York Comic Con’s official website confirmed that there is going...
Blue Lock is one of the top selling manga series in the world right...
Bleach is one of those anime which built the foundation of anime popularity around...
Are you looking for an anime series to watch? You are in the right...
Netflix’ One Piece Season 2 live-action is in the works. After the success of...
Netflix’s upcoming Roald Dahl adaptation, The Twits shared its first look on Twitter (presently X). The...
The story of Disney Pixar’s Elemental is of one of the greatest comebacks in...