Dragon Ball Franchise still remains one of the most popular franchise to date with...
People have been skeptical about the much talked about the development of the One...
Black Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata, and its story follows Asta,...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest arc officially began with Chapter 88 and is being...
When it comes to the world of anime and manga, Naruto is arguably the...
In a world overrun by Japanese anime, the reception for animated stuff in general...
In one of our previous articles about Invincible Season 2, we brought you some...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest arc officially began with Chapter 88 and is being...
Studio Ghibli is synonymous with some of the most ethereal visual experiences when it...
Crunchyroll, one of the biggest anime distributors and licensing websites, has added a number...