Disney had dropped Johnny Depp from his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in...
Thanksgiving is a 2023 horror/slasher film that focused on a masked murderer terrorizing a...
Mean Girls is the 2024 reboot of the 2004 Mark Waters directorial of the...
I don’t think so anyone is unaware of The Witcher franchise ever since Netflix...
I don’t need to introduced Netflix’ Wednesday to you. It is one of the...
X-Men ’97 is an upcoming animated Marvel series. It serves as a revival of...
Daredevil: Born Again is an upcoming MCU show that will be set after the...
With DC rebooting its entire universe, fall of Netflix’ The Witcher, and Eon Pictures...
With DC rebooting its entire universe and Eon Pictures not providing any update on...
Superman: Legacy will set the tone of James Gunn’s newly found DCU. It is...