The Mandalorian on Disney+ remains the most watched Star Wars series, according to recent...
Guardians of the Galaxy was a surprise hit for Marvel when it came back...
Predator is an American science fiction action anthology media franchise centered on the film series depicting humankind’s encounters with an...
Rick Riordan has teased the release date for Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ upcoming...
A board game based on the Netflix hit show Stranger Things will be released...
The Dragon Prince is presently preparing to return to Netflix with Season 4 in...
The Witcher: Blood Origin is an upcoming period horror-fantasy series based in the world...
Marvel just dropped on us, almost all the content they’re coming out with in...
The Daredevil series on Netflix has been one of the best TV shows from...
In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 85, while fighting with Gas, Goku tapped into a...