Disney+ has a young adult fiction series currently in production based on The Invisible...
There are two more episodes for the conclusion of MCU’s Ms. Marvel miniseries on...
Rocketman star Taron Egerton is reportedly in talks to appear as Logan AKA Wolverine,...
For the Boys fans who are barely recovering from the taste of Herogasm, there’s...
Marvel’s She-Hulk series starring Tatiana Maslany is going to release soon on the streaming...
The first cast members of the MonsterVerse series on Apple TV+ and Legendary Television...
Atlus is attempting to adapt some of its most recognisable games, including Persona, to...
John Krasinski has a come along from our favorite messy haired Jim. John Krasinski...
Marvel Cinematic Universe is arguably the biggest franchise in the world, after inception in...
Warner Bros. have made it a habit of owning every major franchise there exists....