The Russo Brothers (Joe and Anthony Russo) became world renowned directors after directing the...
There are no signs of slowing down for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of...
For those who are unaware, Never Have I Ever is an American coming-of-age comedy-drama...
In The Boys Season 2 we saw the fall of Homelander, Stormfront as well...
Tom Cruise’s beloved spy franchise, Mission Impossible 7: Dead Reckoning Part 1 had its...
A24’s low budget sci-fi comedy, Everything Everywhere All At Once created a new record...
Napoleon is an upcoming historical epic directed and produced by Ridley Scott and written by David Scarpa. The...
The master of body horror, David Cronenberg is back with his sci-fi horror film...
George Miller’s first film since Fury Road, titled Three Thousand Years of Longing had...
R. Madhavan has consistently gifted amazing films to Indian Cinema from Tamil films like...