The massively popular and critically acclaimed show Sex Education is returning to screens, and...
We have managed to get a scoop about a game from September 2023’s PS...
The fourth season of Netflix’s animated original series, the often bizarre Love, Death and...
Star Wars finally reveals why Ahsoka refuses to train Grogu. The Mandalorian season 2,...
Director Denis Villeneuve views Dune as more than just a heroic story. He wanted...
Demon Slayer Season 4 is confirmed. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (aka Blade of...
Stranger Things star David Harbour reflects on watching the young co-stars of the series...
The brainchild of George Lucas seems to get only bigger and bigger – Star...
Breaking Bad is one of the best pieces of cinema ever created. It is...
Gadar 2 crossed the ₹500 crore mark worldwide last week. By the end of...