Extraction 2 is the sequel to the commercially successful Extraction that released on Netflix...
Despite the problematic storytelling of the 3rd Season, The Umbrella Academy’s performance hasn’t wavered....
After seeing quite a bit of expansion, the world of Witcher is now in a...
On the Heartstopper‘s one year anniversary, Netflix released a new video where the entire...
I’m not someone who likes watching Romance, its just not my genre however, Heartstopper...
Netflix and its highs and lows. As Netflix is desperately trying to get their...
Murder Mystery 2 is the newest Netflix movie which stars Jennifer Aniston and Adam...
Stranger Things has become a household name thanks to the crazy fan following that...
The fifth and final season of the The Last Kingdom delivered its promise and...
Shadow and Bone is a Netflix series that is partly adapted from the book...