Stranger Things has become a pop culture phenomenon in no time, but the beloved...
Search Results for: the first omen
The world of Ice and Fire is all set to return after a largely...
My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero Academia) follows the story of Izuku Midoriya (Deku)...
There were lot of surprises in store at Star Wars Celebration 2022 and the...
Bryce Dallas Howard, the director-turned-actress who’s last seen in the biographical musical drama Rocketman...
Good news for all DC fans as finally they’ll be getting the first official...
In the ever expanding world of MCU, comes a new Disney Plus series called...
George Miller announced that Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL would compose music for his...
Holy crap, what the hell was that? If you have seen this week’s episode...
Competing with streaming giants like Netflix, PrimeVideo, and Disney Plus, is Sony Liv. But...