The classic adventure franchise of the 80’s is back once again with Harrison Ford...
Rocky is one of the most successful and popular franchise in the history of...
Tom Cruise starrer Top Gun: Maverick is estimated to have a massive $180M WW...
George Miller announced that Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL would compose music for his...
Netflix has released the character posters and trailer for their high budget spy franchise...
The Russo Brothers (Joe and Anthony Russo) became world renowned directors after directing the...
Tom Cruise’s beloved spy franchise, Mission Impossible 7: Dead Reckoning Part 1 had its...
A24’s low budget sci-fi comedy, Everything Everywhere All At Once created a new record...
Evil Dead: The Game is a survival horror video game based on the Evil...
When it released back in 1986, Top Gun wasn’t a critical hit and even...