The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been struggling to regain its footing ever since...
Get ready for a cinematic spectacle like no other! After the massive success of...
The wait is finally over! The most unlikely duo in comic book history is...
When the MCU first started all their films mostly focused on sci-fi elements except...
The Superhero genre which dominated the past decade, has been the most mediocre and...
Marvel’s Echo was certainly not the most hyped under-development project of MCU, however the...
Marvel’s Echo was certainly not the most hyped under-development project of MCU, however the...
In a surprising turn of events, Marvel seems to be back on track. Don’t...
Blade is one of Marvel’s most famous characters. The blood thirsty vampire rose to...
MCU is in a tough spot currently. Despite being the leading studio of the...