In an era of content overload, where viewers are inundated with endless choices across...
Disney Plus
As you may know, The Acolyte is set at the end of the Star...
For those who are unaware, in the universe of Star Wars, an acolyte refers...
The Star Wars franchise is finding new life on Disney+ with an array of...
A Shop for Killers a Korean drama series that focuses on a nephew who...
Daredevil: Born Again is an upcoming Marvel show that will focus on the superhero...
Whether OTT platforms are good for the world or not will keep on being...
Marvel’s Echo was certainly not the most hyped under-development project of MCU, however the...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians is the newest Disney+ series that adapts Rick Riordan’s...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a newest adaptation of Rick Riordan’s famous Percy...