The world of Castlevania has raised the bar once again. While the first season...
Hogwarts Legacy took the gaming world by storm in 2023, becoming the year’s highest-selling...
Hogwarts Legacy is a game developed by Avalanche Software and published by WB that...
I don’t think so anyone is unaware of The Witcher franchise ever since Netflix...
Dragon Ball isn’t just the most popular anime out there, but it is also one...
Insomniac has been working on Marvel’s Wolverine for a year or so now and...
Insomniac Games (Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2) suffered one of the worst hacking...
If you’re a hardcore gamer then what I am about to tell you isn’t...
Sony is to the gaming industry what Disney is to the Cinema industry. Not...
Now that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is here, gamers’ focus is already moving on towards...