The Fast and Furious franchise is well known – for the good and for...
Jason Momoa
We all know about the Fast and Furious franchise. Whether you love the movies...
Warner Bros’ is one of the biggest films and TV studios. The studio has...
DC once Warner Bros’ greatest asset has now become a huge liability. The studio...
The most over-the-top and meme worthy FAMILY of Hollywood is back with its 10th...
The story of DCEU (now DCU) since 2022 has been one full of ups...
So I watched Fast X in theatres and trust me it was not at...
Dwayne Johnson has returned to the main timeline of the Fast and Furious franchise...
The Fast and Furious franchise is coming to end, at least the main timeline...
Well, well, well, we have another Fast and Furious movie. Just like always there...