Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantuamania is the third installment in the Ant-Man franchise. The...
MCU Halloween Special
Fantastic Four, according to me, is the biggest thing coming in Marvel’s slate. After...
Theatres have reopened thanks to the pandemic being gone which means we’re seeing more...
After a rough Phase 4, which I think we can all collectively agreed was...
As this is a new year, Super Bowl has to be there. If there...
The world has changed, digitalization of practically every field has been done, including movies....
The third Ant-Man film is probably the most important addition in the journey of...
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania will be the third and possibly the last installment...
The Loki series is arguably the closest thing we’ve gotten which is actually about...
Last year wasn’t the best one for Marvel. Unlike 2021, no Marvel film crossed...