Steve Blackman, the creator and showrunner of The Umbrella Academy, which had its season...
Man vs Bee is a Netflix original slapstick sitcom. The show has 9 episode...
We got Stranger Things 4 nearly 3 years later the 3rd Season that debuted...
It was disclosed last month that Netflix is creating a drama series based on...
“The Dragon Master is here.” – announces Po the Panda in the official trailer...
Mythology is everywhere, be it major franchises like the MCU delving deeply into the...
Better Call Saul season 6 Part 2 premiere is all set to air on...
Sony recently disclosed that it was collaborating with Netflix on a live-action adaptation of...
San Diego Comic Con is right around the corner and it seems like Warner...
Actor David Harbour, who plays sheriff Hopper in Netflix’s science-fiction mystery drama Stranger Things...