Toho has revealed that a revival of the beloved Funimation anime series Trigun, revolving...
The British actor Tom Hardy is a fan favorite for playing Venom in Sony’s...
Get ready to see a live-action version of your favorite bald-headed hero! Justin Lin...
A few days ago Santa Monica Studios officially revealed over 60 accessibility features for God...
God of War is among the free PlayStation Plus games for June 2022 which...
Sony PlayStation 5 has had a bitter-sweet journey ever since it was launched. It came...
It began with games being based on cinema but today gaming industry has become...
The Wizarding World is expanding further and owing to that, comes an action role-playing...
The highly anticipated God of War sequel was delayed many times but we finally...
MCU movies have always been hype-worthy and exciting due to incredible world building and extravagance...