During Gamescom’s Opening Night Live, Dune: Awakening was officially announced by Funcom. The new...
XBox Series X/S
2022 was meant to be a really big year for gaming but numerous delays...
2022 was meant to be a really big year for gaming but numerous delays...
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is often considered to be one of the best...
On July 26, a major update to Grand Theft Auto Online was released, called...
Hogwarts Legacy is an upcoming game that will take place in the Harry Potter...
Despite having a holiday 2022 release date that is far too near, Warner Bros...
Persona, previously called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona outside of Japan, is a video game...
Assassin’s Creed Origins, as you may know, is a 2017 action role-playing video game...