Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It...
Year: 2022
Marvel Studios is arguably the biggest film studio on Planet Earth right now. There...
Loki Season 1 saw the God Of Mischief being captured by the Time Variance...
I’m not a big fan of musicals but there is a distinction with which...
Adipurush is an upcoming Bollywood film that will retell the Hindu Epic- Ramayana. The...
Dragon Ball Franchise still remains one of the most popular franchise to date with...
7 years ago came a video game which shook the world of gaming to...
Valheim is getting better and better with every update, is already one of the...
The newest theatrical release from the Hindi belt of the Indian Film Industry aka...
I think we’re all familiar with the Harry Potter books and movies. I’m not...