May 18, 2024
Westworld Season 4 Episode 5 - Lisa Joy Teases What's Next After the Big Reveal!

Westworld was created in 2016 by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. The HBO show was adapted from the 1973 film of the same title. The series was an instant hit in 2016 and its 1st Season was highly praised for its truly mind boggling twists and multiple timelines narrative. However, the series took a major drop in its 2nd Second season when its over ambitious multi-timeline structure was its undoing. Once regarded as HBO’s best show was now grilled by everyone for the quality drop. In the 3rd Season they tried to fix what they did wrong in the 2nd season but faced a new problem of making the story too alien for the audience by setting it in the Real World. The audience was accustomed to all the action happening inside the Park until now. Westworld was always looking to bring back the magic it had in the first season.

However it seemed like those days are gone for good. This year Season 4 dropped and after the first two disappointing episodes, the show picked up pace in episode 3 and followed through with that momentum to Episode 4. Check out our review for Westworld Season 4. Episode 4 titled “Generation Loss”, is one of the best episodes in the entire show and certainly the best Season 4 has to offer. Westworld finally found some of its lost magic back. It felt like the big reveal had finally redeemed the show of the mediocrity of the previous seasons. After this episode many fans were wondering where will the show go from here, as it seemed all hope is lost. Don’t worry Westworld Co-Creator might’ve given us a hint on what to expect from the remaining 4 episodes after the big twist.

Westworld Season 4: What will the rest of the Season Focus on?

Westworld Season 4 Episode 4 saw Caleb and Maeve investigating the new Delos 1930s Park, Bernard’s quest to save the world and Christina’s life as a writer. Until now we under the impression that all these tracks take place at the time same time. How wrong were we? Episode 4 flipped this assumption and smacked us in our face by revealing Charlotte has already won the war and has enslaved humanity as it has been 23 years since Maeve and Caleb were doing their investigation that eventually led to Maeve’s death and Caleb being captured by Charlotte where he was stuck in “fidelity” as her test subject.

Maeve was the weapon Bernard was looking and the desert where they’re searching was the Delos Destination Park. The rebel girl C that Bernard met in Episode 3 is none other than Frankie- Caleb’s daughter who wants to find out what happened to her father 23 years ago. Naturally this huge reveal has left many viewers aghast and wondering what to expect next as the episode felt like a season finale. Thankfully, Lisa Joy has teased us on what to expect from the other half of the season. In an interview with The Wrap Joy said,

“Oh gosh, I’m always so bad at these questions. I mean, now that we know that Hale has won and the humans in fact have been subjugated by this new A.I. power structure, I think we have to see how the fight for free will — this time waged by humans against robots — plays out. And it’s pretty fun. You see all of our actors doing what they do best, kicking ass and exploring their lives and the realities around them.”

It is interesting to point out that Joy didn’t mention anything about Christina, what is her role in all this? Which timeline does she belong to? With every thread in Season 4 finally connecting, Christina’s storyline is the only that feels out of place. Not to mention Teddy is back but for  what, is still a mystery. Hopefully the rest of the season will answer our queries and connect Christina’s track with the rest as well.

What did you think of Episode 4? Are you excited for the upcoming 4 episodes?

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