The Russo Brothers (Joe and Anthony Russo) became world renowned directors after directing the...
Bullet Train is an upcoming American neo-noir action comedy thriller film which has been...
Nearly three decades, five films and four directors later, the Jurassic franchise is all...
Amazon prime’s prestigious epic fantasy web series, The Lord of The Rings: The Rings...
Predator is an American science fiction action anthology media franchise centered on the film series depicting humankind’s encounters with an...
It was expected that when the franchise returns with Top Gun: Maverick nearly 36...
When it released back in 1986, Top Gun wasn’t a critical hit and even...
Joey King’s latest epic action-comedy, ‘The Princess’ directed by Le-Van Kiet has its trailer...
Some movies are made purely for entertainment purposes and are full of jaw-dropping and...
Nicolas Cage is on a roll and his fans just can’t get enough of...