The much-anticipated The Batman 2, starring Robert Pattinson, has been officially delayed to October...
DC Extended Universe
Superman: Legacy is DC’s final attempt start a thriving coherent live action cinematic universe...
I think it is fair to say that 2023 was not kind to superhero...
I just feel very sad talking about this film. It is a James Wan...
One of the biggest releases of December 2023 was Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom....
Aquaman 2 is the last DCEU movie ever. Who cares? Who cares? No one...
The story of DCEU (now DCU) since 2022 has been one full of ups...
The day is finally here. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has released in theatres...
The story of DCEU (now DCU) since 2022 has been one full of ups...
Back in 2018, DC had its biggest box office triumph with Aquaman. Now, DC...