The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been a global juggernaut since its inception, but...
Robert Downey Jr
Oppenheimer, no one can fully understand why this R-rated biographical drama was so successful....
Robert Downey Jr.’s return as MCU‘s Iron Man received a promising update. Ever since...
We all know Sherlock Holmes. The man is a pop culture icon. Once limited...
Who would have thought that in the world of cinematic universes and franchises, an...
Christopher Nolan has changed the box office game forever with his new film, Oppenheimer....
Oppenheimer is Christopher Nolan’s 12th directorial. In a career spanning more than two decades,...
The Barbenheimer craze is all over the world. Both the films have wrecked havoc...
Last week Oppenheimer slid into fifth on the all-time R-rated global box office list...
Barbie and Oppenheimer released at a time when summer 2023 ticket sales were down...