In a recent Breaking Bad fan-made film that has gone viral, Jesse Pinkman and...
Aditi Mazumder
In less than a week, Rick and Morty Season 6 will premiere on Adult...
Bilall Fallah and Adil El Arbi, the co-directors of the DC movie Batgirl, hope...
A Disney+ series following the origins of the renowned ape, King Kong (working title),...
During Gamescom’s Opening Night Live, Dune: Awakening was officially announced by Funcom. The new...
The highly anticipated HBO version of The Last of Us has finally released its...
More than any other hero, Spider-Man has a long history of being renowned for...
At the box office, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has reached a significant milestone,...
The Crown is prepared to start a new chapter in the saga of the...
The racing game genre has come to be associated with the Need for Speed...