A live-action movie based on Pac-Man, the iconic arcade game character with an insatiable...
High on Gaming
Mihoyo’s Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games in today’s world. It debuted just...
The action RPG, Elden Ring was launched on February 22, 2022, and released for...
It appears that Bandai Namco Entertainment has just announced Tekken 8 during Evo 2022....
This fall, a brand-new generation of Pokemon will debut. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, a...
Hey Chief, Clash of Clans is about turn ten and the celebrations will begin with...
Amongst the various game adaptations of the popular movies, books or shows releasing this...
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is often considered to be one of the best...
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is an upcoming tactical role-playing game developed by Firaxis Games in...
The Wizarding World is expanding further and owing to that, comes an action role-playing...