Foe (2023) directed by Garth Davis is a sci-fi psychological thriller film. The film will...
Year: 2023
Sound of Freedom is one of 2023’s biggest summer hits, grossing $183.2 million in...
Ahsoka Episode 7 turned out to be exactly we expected and packed absolutely no...
House of the Dragon is the story of the war that decimated millions of...
As you may know, a trailer for The Acolyte was shown at the Star...
Based in France, 1792 during the height of the French Revolution, Castlevania: Nocturne follows...
Netflix’ The Sandman season 1 opened to widely positive reviews and since then, has...
If you are unaware, The Recruit is yet another American spy-adventure television series and...
Castlevania: Nocturne is now out on Netflix and we are happy to inform you...
The smash hit show Castlevania ended its 4 season run in 2021 and now...