May 10, 2024

Gaming is the present and the future of entertainment and media industry. In the past few years gaming studios have achieved such incredible heights that every person in the world wants to jump on the hype train. From immersive and breathtaking RPG’s and shooter gamers, to massively multiplayer open world and VR games, gaming today is like never before. And the good thing is that this will only evolve further with the introduction of Unreal Engine 5, AR/VR, and metaverse.

The day when concepts like Oasis from like Ready Player One, become a reality is not far away now. All that remains is the integration of various technologies that already exist and we’ll have an Oasis of our own. Anyways, getting to the point and near future, some incredible titles like God of War: Ragnarok, Hogwarts Legacy, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Diablo IV, GTA VI, Witcher 4, are about to come out. The hype around these games is rising and we really want to know what game are you most excited for. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Vote Your Most Anticipated Upcoming Games

The following poll consists of 20 major titles we think you’d be most excited for. Feel free to vote for any two of them and add any title you are excited for but we skipped. If possible add a suitable image as well and share this poll as much as you can! Let’s go gamers!

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